At 04:55 PM 1/14/2002 -0800, Charlie Bebber wrote:
>Lee Roberts said:
>> There seems to be a lot of concern over security on wireless networks.
>> WEP was suppose to encrypt wireless transmissions but it was quickly
>> compromised. I don't know if a suitable, and secure, replacement for it
>> has been implemented yet.
>I've read about airsnort and it's interesting (and pretty damn cool).
>I really don't know much about how the wireless network technology works --
>is it basically that one gets an access point and then you can have an
>unlimited amount of nodes on that network (given you don't saturate it)?

I wouldn't say that there's an unlimited number of nodes. Wireless is
limited to a 11 Mb bandwidth. At some point, you'll have so many nodes that
the network will become very slow and unusable. For a home user with 5
nodes, an 11 Mb bandwidth will provide about 2 Mb for each node when the
system is fully loaded. I have a friend that has 3 machines on a wireless.
He's using 128 bit WEP and frequency hopping. I don't think he's using VPN
or SSL but those techniques would help with security issues. SSL costs big
$$ though. He loves M$ too. Oh well. SSH is available for Linux also. I
guess there are ways to secure a wireless network. 

As for hardware recommendations, I can't help you there. But, Linksys is
popular even though their tech support needs improvement.

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