Well, once again, this old newbie needs advise and consult. I need to
know if it is possible/practicable to set up group calendaring with my
Linux server that is accessed by 5 winXX clients. I hate MS Exchange and
MS Access. I don't have an exchange server, I have a Linux server, so 
any collaboration via Outlook has to be done in a peer-to-peer
environment which is about impossible -- by design from MS no doubt. Oh,
you can host your outlook calendar and database on the server, but it is
next to impossible to configure the outlook interface on each system to
use the remote data files as the default without having an exchage
server. (If I'm missing something simple, please feel free to flame me,
I have thick skin!!!)

        Anyway, here is my basic setup:

        Server:         Mandrake 7.2, 2.2.19 kernel (Yes, I'm too scared to move to
                        (Uptime 373, less 1 lightning stike) so now it shows:
                        11:50pm  up 207 days,  9:27,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 
                        <you get the drift, I'm happy!> 
                        SMB interface is Samba 2.09

        I need to know if there is anything on the Linux side that would let me
somehow set up an office calendar that would live on the Linux server
that my secretary could add appointments/contacts to, that would also be
accessable to the rest of the office via a Winxx computer. This may be a
pipe dream, but I thought I would ask. I was severely chastised last
week by a colleague when I advised that I would "pencil an appointment
in" on my calendar. (I wasn't kidding, I'm talking lead and eraser) Of
course, this fine fellow doesn't know the meaning of budget, or work or
(you get the drift). Amyway, that caused me a moment of quiet reflection
and gave me motivation to figure out how I could have my server handle
group calendaring without having to go to a windows solution.

        This may have been answered before on the list, and I appologize. But
as far as integrating Linux and MS-communist side of the world, this is
a biggie! If there is a workaround, please let me know. If not, lead and
eraser still works!

        I've looked at ximian evolution, etc and I still don't see and 1:1
solution. What are your thoughts?

David C. Rankin, J.D., P.E.
ASEL -- Instrument
Nacogdoches, Texas
N31 34.7 W094 42.6
355 MSL

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