On Friday 25 January 2002 05:00 pm, kayaturk wrote:
> Hi,
>       We got two of those machines one with tiger and the other with
> thunder. You should use AMD XP processor for stability because they
> run cooler. 

   OK, I'll bite. How can you possibly know that?  Not a challenge, as 
much as just curious (?).

   While I'm convinced that AMD has the better cpu's (as of right now), 
and the motherboard chipsets to run 'em (specially since Intel left 
BX)... They don't have the support for accurate core temp reporting. 
Intel cpu's have internal diodes, AMD does now (XP), but no motherboard 
support for it. and ...

    Measuring the cpu temp from a thermistor is about as good as 
measuring the temperature of wires in a wall ... by pressing a 
thermometer against the plaster (sheetrock). A Major reason the AMD 
cpu's are not generally well accepted for indusrial strength server 

   I've gotta Tbird 1.4/266 oc'd to 1.55/270 desktop. lm_sensors 
reports it at low 40C's most of the time, max 50C under extreme load 
(cpuburn, 'burnK7').  Actual core temp is probly 10 to 30C higher. Who 
knows ??   Most likely it runs about 15C higher internally, than 
reported.  For those who are skeptical of oc'ing, it produces the same 
temps at the default 1.4ghz.

    BUT, I digress.  AMD needs to get some real hardware i2c support. 
Otherwise it's all just a guess. The proposal that XP's run cooler is 
also just a guess, based mostly on "it ought to", or "they say it does".
    Tom Brinkman                       Corpus Christi, Texas, USA

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