hi all!

i'm using gimp-1.2.2 & xsane-0.79 with sane-1.0.5

i cannot load xsane or xscanimage plugins at gimp startup
here is the message:
/usr/local/lib/gimp/1.2/plug-ins/xsane: GIMP support missing
LibGimp-WARNING **: gimp: wire_read: unexpected EOF
the same with xscanimage....

xsane was built with gimp plugin support. xsane and xscanimage are present in 
the gimp plugins directory, gimp and xsane have been built with the same 
compiler, gcc-2.95.3, and with the same libraries.

with some old gimp versions, all what u had to do to add xsane plugin was to 
create a symlink in /usr/local/lib/gimp/1.x/plug-ins. then xsane was avaible 
by clicking on the "acquire" button. i tried this method with gimp-1.2.2 with 
no more result.....

what's wrong? gimp? xsane? me?

thanks for help


ps i tried some other versions, gimp-1.3.2 xsane-0.83 sane-1.0.6.... allway 
the same :((
La loi éternelle de l'honneur force la science à regarder bravement
en face tout problème qui se présente à elle. Lord Kelvin

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