ken wrote:
> On Saturday 16 February 2002 04:47 pm, you wrote:
> > ken wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > > I've run into a couple of problems the *fm's I can find don't solve.
> > > How in 'ell do you UN configure the Internet connection sharing????
> > >
> > > #1: While trying to set up Internet connection sharing I fsck'd my local
> > > network e.g. NO NFS connection.. OK referring to a suggestion sent on
> > > this subject several weeks ago, I tried to then set up static IP
> > > addressing, Nope, no worky.. I don't get NFS OR connection sharing. Worse
> > > yet, now I can't even ping the nameserver of my IP, Dial Up Connection
> > > (, so no Internet or email. I can ping my other
> > > computer(using local term window), the one I set as the dhcp server,
> > > leaving the IP address static on it. I'm using it to send this mail so it
> > > seems to be working OK as far as Internet connectivity is concerned.
> > > #2 I though to my self, OK, if need be I'll set up SAMBA and use KOMBA2
> > > to browse with. Well, Komba sees the share but as soon as it opens the
> > > file browser  it closes it right back down. This doesn't happen browsing
> > > a Corel Linux system I have set up as a file server, Komba works OK.
> > > So as it stands right now, I don't have either Internet connection
> > > sharing or ANY kind of network that I can use.
> > > My goal:
> > > 1: Intenert connection sharing over a 5 computer network(IP range from
> > > up, originally set up static on 192.168.10.x up).
> > > 2: NFS networking between all of the 5 computers (all running MDK 8.1
> > > except the Corel1.2 file server)
> > > The system I want as a gateway machine is an Athalon 1.2Ghz, 512Mb RAM
> > > and a good 56K/bps modem. NIC is LinkSys 10/100 PCI, no problem with it.
> > > I have a 3Com 10/100 12 port hub and a LinkSys switch being used as a hub
> > > to extend the distance of my short cables. Overall length is under 50
> > > feet. So, in total I need help figuring out how undo whatever the
> > > "Wizard" did OR get it configured right so I will have a usable network
> > > again.
> > > Thanks,
> > > Ken Thompson
> >
> > 1. Recommend that you do a block diagram of the system as you wish to
> > configure it.
> >
> > 2. Review the documentation on setting up a network, Mandrake Linux
> > Reference Manual Chapter 15.
> >
> > Larry
> Thanks Larry, that looks like just what I need..
> FWIW I did a complete re-install on the machine in question trying to clean
> up Komba2 (it kills the file browser ONLY on other MDK machines).
> Same exact problem, I can open a connection to and mount the share on my
> Corel Linux file server. The file browser opens and all is good.
> I can open a connection to and mount a share on another MDK machine and the
> file browser opens and immediatly closes both windows.
> On this machine everything works as advertised, any ideas????
> BTW static IP's on all at this point.. After fighting this thing for several
> days, I'll read a bunch before trying it again..
> Nothng special about network, 4 machines connected to a 3Com 10/100 hub, an
> extra port on the hub goes to a switch used as a hub to give me 3 possible
> connections on the workbench. The ones on the workbench aren't always part of
> the network, only as needed.
> Works out OK with static IP addressing.
> The problem I'm running into is trying to figure out how to set this machine
> as gateway for the rest, An Intranet, if you will..
> Seems like every time I use the wizard, it makes a complete mess of my
> existing network.
> Time to put on the glasses and get to work <G> thanks again.
> Ken...

On the gateway machine, the one attached to the internet, is the router?
Whatever address this network card, the one that is connected to the hub
will be the gateway for all the other computers. So on the other
computers simple point then to this address as the gateway. Say the
address of the router is 192.1268.1.1, then this is the address of the
gateway that they would point to. Also on the computer use as the router
gateway insure that /etc/sysconfig/network has NETWORKING=yes and

You may wish to add the other computers address and names in the
/etc/hosts file.

As for Komba2 you might try adding under the setting configure the range
of ip's to scan.  You may need to set the passwords up first. Also try
pinging from and to each machine.

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