On Tue, 19 Feb 2002 22:51:33 -0800
"Robin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> studiouisly spake these words
to ponder:

> Hello all,
> I am having a bit of mail problem but don't know where to start. I want
> to set up a mail server which supports pop, imap and webmail, and I also
> need to collect mail from other mail server.
> Here comes the detail. I have 3 machines here, 1 running Win2k, 2
> running mdk 8.1. One of the mdk machine is a dedicated server, the other
> 2 are my workstations. The server will have a sub domain with dns2go.com
> so I can host my own mail server. The reason for using imap is simply
> that I don't have to download all my mail to all my workstations. To
> make the problem even harder, I also have email accounts with my ISP and
> Yahoo. I am hoping that it can be setup so the mail server would fetch
> my mail from other mail server and put them in the same place with other
> mail received by my own mail server.
> To sum it up, in case you were confused by the last section, I hope to
> setup a mail server, which will host mail for local domain and fetch
> mail from other pop3 server and put everything in one place so I can
> access all mail from any other workstation using IMAP. Webmail is for
> accessing mail from outside network.
> I did some search, seems horde could solve some of the problem. I am
> also hoping there is some way that I can have an address book on the
> server so I don't have to reneter all of them to each machine that I
> use.
> Any help is greatly appreciated
> Robin

not to worry Robin. this'll be a snap! 

(1) Setup Postfix to be your localhost mailserver. (that means install the
Postfix package if it's not already installed on your system - there is very
little setup for a basic mailserver.) 

(2) install the imap package from your install CD's, if it's not already
installed on your system.     (2b) (when installing these packages if you
really need to make sure          to test for dependencies:
                rpm -ivh --test package-name.rpm)

(3) setup a cron job to use fetchmail to contact your ISP(s) to bring down
the mail from their mailservers to your mailserver.

The above is just on way you can accomplish what you're wanting to do. This
is just a basic setup to get you going. Once you've got everything going
though you will likely want to tweak Postfix a bit to make it a little more
secure so you're not seen as an open relay. that can be a pain.         
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