On Thu, 2002-02-28 at 15:04, Ashley Moore wrote:

thanks for the suggestion.

just to verify, i tried once again to boot normally. but the boot
process kept getting stuck after 'Ckeck kernel params....'

i start in single user...
could'nt see anything unusual with any of the startup scripts. so i
issued 'init 3' and all came up as normal !

i rechecked logs, etc. nothing to change (as i saw it) so I went ahead
and perfromed a shutdown -r and the system came back up as if nothing
ever went wrong !!! ?? !!!

any light on what might have gone wrong?
oh yeah, dunno if this will help - yesterday i successfully complied and
installed wine-20020122 with reqd dependencies.


A Moore. (CCNA,CNE,MC$E)
Sys. Admin.

On Thu, 2002-02-28 at 13:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Feb 2002, Ashley Moore wrote:
> > > when I started up my linux box this morning, its
> > > started booting normally till it got to
> > > 'Configuring kernel
> > > parameters........................Ok'
> > > after that its a no-go. pressing <ctrl>-<c> makes
> > > the
> > > boot process continue but with lots of errors about
> > > the FS being read-only.
> Post the output from 'dmesg'. It sounds like your filesystem got hosed.
> Also, check at the end of /var/log/messages to see if there are any
> errors.
> You can try booting into single user mode then restarting service
> manually. I.e., cd to /etc/rc.d/rc3.d and start the services in order of
> which they appear.

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