Yesterday... civileme ran for the door shrieking:

>Son:  Daddy, why do we have to hide from the police?
>Father:  Because we use emacs, son.  They use vi.
>(Shamelessly ripped off from someone's signature who shall remain 
>anonymous here unless he claims ownership)
>Anyway, have a nice day (A wish from someone who has had 37 inches of 
>snow dumped on him in less than 24 hours).

hehe... thanks for the chuckle!  I don't know where you're at but we're 
finally getting snow here in Washington (couple inches) after nothing but 
rain from November till now.  My family and I are going to move to 
California this summer 'cause I think I'm starting to mold!


p.s. just to stay on topic, VI is the best!!!  ;-p

Michael & Tracy Holt
Kirkland, WA                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unix is all about taking big rocks and turning them into little rocks -
Windows is all about taking sand... and dumping it in your gas tank...

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