
Is it better to use LM8.2 Wine or Codeweavers Wine?
Can Transgaming WineX be installed alongside LM8.2 Wine or Codeweavers
Wine? Or can it replace both altogether?

Any good souls to enlighten me on this one ;)

                         ( / \ )
                        (  O O  )
______________________oOOo-( )-oOOo__________________________________
 Frederic P. Soulier           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 OpenPGP key available on http://www.keyserver.net
 1024D/BA6700ED   49A6 8E8E 4230 8D41 1ADE  B649 3203 1DD2 BA67 00ED
 LM 8.2 / Current Linux kernel 2.4.18-6mdksmp
                        oooO  (   )
                       (   )   ) /
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