On Mon, 2002-04-08 at 14:08, K Montgomery wrote:
> I have a laptop that runs the netfs service on boot in order to mount a
> remote Samba filesystem.  However, being a laptop, it's not always
> connected to the network.
> Can I make it so that if netfs fails to find the Samba server on boot,
> it will attempt to connect repeatedly -- say, every 5 minutes -- in case
> I do connect to the network later?  I have a little shell scripting
> experience, so any suggestions involving that are welcome.

Create a script which will first check for the existence of your server
and share ('smbclient -L //server', then parse the output to look for
the correct share name). Then, if the server and share exist, run
smbmount with the appropriate options to mount your samba server/share.
Then, create a cron job that will run the script every 5 minutes.

Dave Sherman                          Beware the wrath of dragons,
MCSE, MCSA, CCNA                        for you are crunchy,
                                        and good with ketchup.
"lynx -source http://sildara.dyndns.org/davepub.asc | gpg --import"

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