I am frustrated trying to make a test module work. I
have my document web server root in /var/www/ where i
created a folder with the following path
/var/www/lib/perl/Apache to store my written
modules,then I created a test module and located it in
this directory, named Hello.pm. I also created a
startup.pl file including among other things the
following lines:
   BEGIN {
           use Apache ();
           use lib      
to modify the include path to point to the locatinon
of the apache perl module directory. Then, in the
httpd-perl.conf I included the lines at the end:

   PerlRequire     /etc/httpd/conf/startup.pl
   PerlFreshRestart        On
   <Location /hello/world>
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler Apache::Hello

These lines will first tell apache to run startup.pl
to change the include path and will also define a
/hello/world to asociate it with my module. "Does this
folder '/hello/world' should really exist? Can I
choose anything in its place? This is the one given in
the book, they say it shouldnt be the path of the real
module, in my case /var/www/lib/perl/apache/Hello.pm" 

I use the script apachectl restart which starts the
httpd-perl and httpd programs with no errors.
The error that I get when I try to access
http://my.ip.address/hello/world is 
"Not Found
The requested URL /hello/world was not found on this

The log file err-log says the same thing.

I did the above steps following the "Writing Apache
Modules with Perl and C Book." What could be the cause
for this problem, I have tried lots of things but it
wont work. I would need to get this setup to start
writing modules that I need for my senior design
project. If anybody needs more info "like a copy of
any of my configuration files, please let me know.

 Thanks a lot, Roberto

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