On Fri Apr 26, 2002 at 11:57:14PM -0500, Paul Cox wrote:

> > I hate supermount, so I disable it.  I don't know if this behaviour is
> > related to it or not, but I get really aggravated with nautilus when
> > it always opens up a new window whenever I mount a new CD.  If I
> > wanted to view the CD with nautilus, I'd open it myself.
> > 
> > Is there any way to turn this "feature" off?
> Not sure if you can turn it off, but I do know that it doesn't do it
> with supermount enabled.

dOh!  Maybe I should use gmc to draw the background instead of
nautilus... I wonder if that would help.  I would use something like
Enlightenment or fluxbox, but IIRC they don't play too nice with
dual-head systems.. (I've got two network cards and two monitors
attached to my workstation... a 19" and a 15" LCD and I don't want
windows (ie. galeon) to span both monitors, but when I maximize them,
want them to maximize to the monitor they are on).  Currently, I can
only seem to do this with gnome and kde...  and kde is just... ugh.
Not using that.  =)

I'll give supermount a try... it frustrates the heck out of me, but
I'll give it another shot because this nautilus thing is *really* annoying...

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"lynx -source http://www.freezer-burn.org/bios/vdanen.gpg | gpg --import"
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