On Sat, 2002-05-04 at 00:34, Charles Muller wrote:
> I noticed that Win4Lin is now available on the Mandrake Club download
> site. For one not familiar with the product, the information on their
> web site regarding how it functions is scanty. But I am guessing that it
> works something like VMWare, in that you install Win4Lin, and then
> install Win98 or whatever using installation disks.
> Has anyone used this product who is willing to briefly evaluate it? How
> difficult was the install? How well did it function afterwards?

Here's my brief take on Win4Lin:

I've used versions 2 and 3, and haven't bothered to upgrade because 3.0
does everything I need it to. As you surmise, it allows you to install
Windows 9x (95, 98, 98SE for version 3, Win4Lin v4 adds WinME support)
to a win/ directory within your home directory on a Linux partition. On
a multiuser system, as far as I know, each user must do their own
install into their home directory, so it can start taking up a lot of
disk space. But on my single-user (me) laptop it works great.

There are only a couple of apps that I really need for Windows, one of
them being Client Access (5250 telnet client for IBM AS/400). It sort-of
worked okay in version 2, but in version 3 I got all the functionality
available, including Operations Navigator (GUI Sysadmin tool for
AS/400). The other is MS Office, for the rare occasion that OpenOffice
can't handle a complex Word document.

Win4Lin requires a custom kernel, provided by Netraverse or you can
apply their source code patch and compile your own. I just used their
kernel compiled for Mandrake 8.1, and it works fine. It emulates all of
your existing hardware for Windows, essentially providing a "hardware
API" to Windows itself. The hardware shows up as "Merge x", where "x" is
the function of the hardware (monitor, network adapter, etc.). "Merge"
is a holdover from the original SCO Unix product which Netraverse used
to create Win4Lin.

Win4Lin uses 24 MB of RAM by default when it launches Windows, and in
version 3 it can grab up to 64 MB if you tell it to. I think v4 can use
up to 128, but I don't remember for sure. This is good because some apps
require a minimum amount of RAM just to install (or else the installer
will simply exit), so I run mine with 64 MB. I have 256 total, so it's
not like I am hurting for memory.

In my experience, even running with only 24 MB RAM, Win98SE runs faster
under Win4Lin than it does natively! I think it has something to do with
Linux's better filesystem performance and memory handling. On the flip
side, though, I have noticed that Windows will run more slowly if I
switch focus to a different app in Linux. My guess is that Win4Lin does
some sort of prioritizing, so that if the Windows "window" has focus on
my desktop then it is given a bigger timeslice of processing time, but
if it loses focus then it is given a smaller slice.

Go here to see a screenshot of Win4Lin in action on my Gnome desktop:

Well, that was more than I intended to say. Hope it answers your
questions. Otherwise, feel free to ask.

Dave Sherman                          Beware the wrath of dragons,
MCSE, MCSA, CCNA                        for you are crunchy,
                                        and good with ketchup.
"lynx -source http://sildara.dyndns.org/davepub.asc | gpg --import"

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