I feel I am likely missing something obvious here but I need another
pair of eyes:

I am trying to mount two shares that exist on an NT server.  I am 
running Mandrake 8.2.  techmjm is a user on the NT machine with read
write access to everything.  The password supplied in credentials is

First, I create the dirs to mount the shares on
and set their permissions wide open to everyone.

Here is what I get with ls -al from /mnt/serv when it is mounted:
1 drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          512 May  9 15:58 shared/
1 drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          512 May  8 10:25 techmjm/

It will not let me change the permissions to writeable to everyone
when it is mounted. I don't get any error when I chmod 666 it, but the
permissions fail to change.  When I unmount it, it shows the dirs
as writeable to everyone.

Here are the two lines in my fstab:

// /mnt/serv/shared smbfs\
user,auto,rw,credentials=/home/techmjm/whatever 0 0

// /mnt/serv/techmjm smbfs\
user,auto,rw,credentials=/home/techmjm/whatever 0 0

The shares mount great but ONLY by root.  I have user in fstab, why can
only root mount it?  It is also writeable but only by root (as is 
consistent with the permissions that it wont let me change).  rw is
a default, but I put it in there to be sure.  Why is it not writeable?

When I try to see other attributes with lsattr, I get: 
lsattr: Invalid argument While reading flags on ./techmjm
lsattr: Invalid argument While reading flags on ./shared

I want to be able to mount and write to these not as root.  What am I
missing here?



P.S. I also have this same exact problem with another share that resides
on a Mandrake 8.2 Samba server so I don't think it has to do with NT.

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