On Fri, 10 May 2002, civileme wrote:

> >
> Not strange at all...
> in a terminal window, run locale
> Check the value of LC_COLLATE
> If it is en_US this is quite normal, the collating sequence is AaBbCc, etc.
> If you want the result you seek, make your program use upper as 
> suggested or set your LC_COLLATE to POSIX.
> No, it is not a bug, it is a standard expanded feature that keeps 
> programmers on their toes to write platform independent stuff. 

I could forgive myself if I hadn't just answered an 'ls doesn't sort
right question' about two minutes before the above. But then I did:

export LC_LOCATE=C
awk -f simple.awk sample.txt

Weird, same errors... :/
(note stupid syntax error).

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