On Sat, 2002-05-11 at 10:58, Praedor Tempus wrote:

> I do not know 
> offhand the copy command arguments needed - you want to make sure you copy 
> files AND symlinks but NOT the /proc directory (I think that's the one - if 
> you try to copy that one you will get into recursion hell)

Assuming all new filesystems are mounted under /mnt in the appropriate
locations (/mnt/usr, /mnt/home, /mnt/var, etc). Easy way to do this is:

# for dir in `find / -type d -maxdepth 1` ; do mkdir /mnt/${dir} ; done

Mount your new filesystems

# find / -path /proc -prune -o -path /mnt -prune -o -print|cpio -puvdm

# lilo -b /dev/hdb

Watch word wrap there.

Shut down, pull old drive, put new drive as master, boot.
Brad Felmey

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