        Try making the fstab entry for the floppy:

/dev/fd0  /mnt/floppy  auto  rw,noauto,users,nosuid,nodev,sync,noexec  0  0

I think you are auto-mounting the floppy at startup, then it is busy when you 
try to actually use it.


On Sunday 12 May 2002 08:41 pm, you wrote:
> Heya!
> I have problems around here with floppy drive
> I can´t mount it
> the mesg is just:
> [root@lods kicho]# mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy/
> mount: /dev/fd0: unknown device
> I´ll try it with all this devices:
> [root@lods kicho]# ls /dev/fd
> fd        fd0u1120  fd0u1680  fd0u1760  fd0u360   fd0u820
> fd0       fd0u1440  fd0u1722  fd0u1840  fd0u720   fd0u830
> fd0u1040  fd0u1600  fd0u1743  fd0u1920  fd0u800
> I try with option -t auto, iso9660,vfat and ext2 too and
> the mesg is the same...
> example...
> [root@lods kicho]# mount -t auto /dev/fd0u1440 /mnt/floppy/
> mount: /dev/fd0u1440: unknown device
> I did something wrong?
> I have a Mandrake 8.1 - 2.4.8-26mdk,  i686
> I get a strange mesg from kernel in boot time, may be is it?
> [root@lods kicho]# dmesg | grep floppy
> ide-floppy driver 0.97
> floppy0: Floppy io-port 0x03f0 in use
> ide-floppy driver 0.97
> The line ¨floppy0: Floppy io-port 0x03f0 in use¨ cause some conflit?
> I try to change some irq in bios but was just a shoot in the dark
> If is important, my hardware configuration is:
> Pentium III 550 Mhz, 256 Mb Ram
> VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82810-DC100 CGC
> US Robotics/3Com 56K FaxModem Model 561
> Multimedia audio controller: Avance Logic Inc. ALS4000 Audio Chipset
> Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139 (rev 10)
> Thanks a lot
> Kicho
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