
I am trying to setup a CVS server on my linux box.


  service cvspserver
     disable       = no
     socket_type   = stream
     protocol      = tcp
     wait          = no
     user          = root
     server        = /usr/sbin/cvspserver

export CVSROOT=:pserver:frederic@localhost:/home/frederic/cvsroot

$ cvs -d /home/frederic/cvsroot init        <-- OK

$ cvs login
Logging in to :pserver:frederic@localhost:/home/frederic/cvsroot
password: XXXXXXXX                          <-- OK 

$ cvs import -m "MyNewProject" projects/firebird frederic start
cant'create temporary directory /root/tmp/cvs-serv4880
Permission denied

Isn't the cvspserver supposed to run as root (user = root) and therefore
should not have any trouble writing to /root ?

Any ideas?

                         ( / \ )
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______________________oOOo-( )-oOOo__________________________________
 Frederic P. Soulier           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 OpenPGP key available on http://www.keyserver.net
 1024D/BA6700ED   49A6 8E8E 4230 8D41 1ADE  B649 3203 1DD2 BA67 00ED
 LM 8.2 / Current Linux kernel 2.4.18-6mdksmp
                        oooO  (   )
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