----- Original Message -----
From: mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 22:43:26 -0500
Subject: Re: [expert] ?how do I change a file name in linux cmd line?

> Amen, I couldn't agree more!!!
> Mike McNeese 
> ( former complete newbie ) 
> daRcmaTTeR wrote:
> > 
> > On Tue, 28 May 2002, Nicolas ROBAUX wrote:
> > 
> > > Le Mardi 28 Mai 2002 16:45, vous avez écrit :
> > > > I was wondering the proper way to change a file name in linux on the
> > > > command line.
> > > >
> > >
> > > Hell...
> > >
> > > Even on a newbie mailing-list, there aren't such questions...
> > > Have you ever read a introduction to Linux doc ?
> > >
> > > N.
> > >
> > 
> > Ok...I smell a flame war starting, so I will make a statement before it
> > even gets started. I'm refering back to a message that was posted the
> > other week by Femme. She said that one of the first places she thought to
> > look would be the expert list because of the very name of the list and
> > what it suggests. (I am of course paraphrasing) which makes a lot of
> > sense. if you're a completely "new" Linux user that question about "how to
> > rename a file" is a perfectly valid question AND it is equally reasonable
> > and understandabl for a brand new user to look directly to an expert
> > for the answer to that question.
> > 
> > ergo, the beginning of the journey and the gaining of knowledge. It all,
> > we all must start somewhere. what better place to start the journey then
> > by asking the experts?
> > 
> > worked for me when I started...
> > 
> > daRcmaTTeR
> > 
> > 
> >   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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OK fair enough, but this is covered in the Mandrake Reference Manual, under the 
chapter heading:-
    Using The Command Line
    File Handling Utilities
    mv: Moving or Renaming Files.

Maybe this information would have been more useful to a newbie than 
    just mv <file> <destination> 

(or even go to the linux-mandrake site and click documentation, then          select 
your language (might really help!) and Reference Manual.)

as the command doesn't really cover the important bit, where to find this stuff out 
for yourself. As 'experts' - I dont include myself as an expert per se, but I have 
played about with Linux for a while etc, and am a developer using Linux every day at 
work, and prefer Mandrake at home to any other distro/OS. 

The point is this newbie has asked a good question. mv isnt immediately obvious, but 
its not necessarily the best question to have asked. That would have been, 'where do I 
discover how to use the command line interface in a nicely formated way?' As experts 
this should be the first response. Not only are we who are on this list purporting to 
be able to solve serious problems, but also point people in the right direction to 
help themselves where appropriate.

This isnt in any way an attempt to put peoples efforts down, I wouldnt be on the list 
if I didnt rate it, I'm not on any others as this ones so useful :). However much I 
appreciate the whole 'we're experts dont bother us with nonsense questions' argument, 
I cant help feeling it doesnt help the community to flame newbies asking what are, to 
them expert questions. Dont forget the comand line is no longer the way new users and 
people generally perceive Linux, kde or gnome or fluxbox or whatever is. Thus to Joe 
Bloggs the CLI is truly a daunting place, which only experts understand. Makes sense 
to ask the experts when its put like that.

Of course we should answer, but also educate, and help that education by doing more 
than answering such a 'simple' question with a lowest common denominator answer.

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