David Rankin wrote on Sun, Jun 23, 2002 at 10:46:43AM -0500 :
>       Over the past year, FTP and SSH logins are taking much longer. In the
> past FTP logins would take 2-3 seconds and SSH logins were almost
> instantaneous. Now both FTP and SSH logins take approximately 20 - 30
> seconds. Uptime is 363 days and I haven't restarted either xinetd, FTP

FTP: is the system under heavy load?  Forking ftp instances is not
cheap, and if you're getting lots of hits, it will spend much time doing
the forks.

SSH: ssh is intelligent.  If someone (or lots of someone's) are hitting
your ssh server trying to guess passwords, or just exploit scripts
hitting your box randomly, ssh will take longer to let the negotiation
go through.  It makes it more difficult to brute force passwords.

Both:  a 30 second or 60 second timeout is usually indicative of DNS
issues.  Look through /var/log/messages and see if ssh is spitting out
warning messages like:
Jun 23 11:33:39 t3cc sshd[11501]: Could not reverse map address
Jun 23 11:33:42 t3cc sshd[11501]: Accepted password for toddl from
xx.xxx.xxx.x port 61297 ssh2

Even so, I only had about a 5 second timeout.  Depending on the answer
that comes back from a DNS server, it can be longer.

Blue skies...           Todd
  Todd Lyons -- MandrakeSoft, Inc.   http://www.mandrakesoft.com/
UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because 
  that would also stop you from doing clever things. -- Doug Gwyn
   Cooker Version mandrake-release-8.3-0.2mdk Kernel 2.4.18-19mdk

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