Yep, gotta go withya 100%
Our staff/student WAN is powered by Netware, and we have Zilch for
reliability problems. Configuration however, can become an onerous task.

The approach we are taking is to have Linux boxes handle firewall, web,
some storage, AV, and soon email. We also have basic linux instruction
as part of our Applied Computing program.

The ONLY reason we are running NT and/or W2K servers is because of a
proprietary Library cataloging system, and a webmaster that is totally
addicted to Publisher/IIS (can't do HTML in text)

Yes, I know that you can add Publisher extensions to a linux/web server,
but we don't have a guru, and all of us have to be multi-disciplinary.
On a given day, I will fix a VCR, rebuild a calculator, run a new
telephone line into a renovated office, update someone's AV package,
teach another about setting up shared folders on a Novell server, etc,
etc. All of us have broad, but shallow skill sets. 

Never boring tho'


On Tue, 2002-06-25 at 14:04, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Jun 2002, Barry Michels wrote:
> > Our NT machine was crap.  We had to reboot about every week.  In fact, I
> > eventually wrote a batch file that would reboot the server every morning at
> > 4am.  We upgraded (well, a fresh install) to Win2k and the longest that
> > machine was running was 4 months (129 days).  All it handles is file sharing
> > and a small, seldom used SQL server.  When it crashed, it crashed hard.  We
> > had to do quite a bit of work to get it back up and it still isn't the same.
> > The hardware is any spare parts we had laying around.
> > 
> > 2 weeks ago, I installed a Linux machine to act as our firewall using
> > IPTABLES.  So far, no reboots since the inital install.  Man is it fast.
> > That doubled our bandwidth compared to running through MS's ISA firewall
> > software.  Of course, it was logging everything that went through it...
> > 
> > 
> > Barry
> heavens guys! thats why God invented Novell Netware boxes. load'em up, 
> plug'em in and fa-get about'em. and as far as win2k is concerned I'm not 
> surprised you're having as uch trouble wit dat poor box being as its put 
> together from spare parts. win2k doesn't like spare parts. where I work 
> we're running a Novelle shop, but there are two Dell 4400's running win2k 
> that are rock solid. one the app server and the other the DB server. 
> they're very heavily used. were it not for the windows updates they 
> wouldn't require a reboot at all. 
> -- 
> daRmaTTeR
> R L U: #186492
> When ever people annoy me I remember, "Vengence is mine saith the Lord."
> My prayer is, " am I Lord...send me!"
> ----

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