Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> Of course, Randy...I'm honored that you would!  


> I'm planning on doing
> some other things real soon, such as rewriting the Net Broadcast piece
> to revise it in light of the very bright and intelligent help on this
> list, plus some omissions on my part.

Great!  Could I convince you to rewrite it directly in WikiLearn?  You
do have to register but it's not difficult or onerous.  (It asks for
your name, that you make up a wiki name and password, your home country,
and your email address, IIRC.  Your email address is displayed on the
home page that you automatically get, but it is spam protected.

Here is the link to the Net Broadcast page:


And here's where to register:


If you have any difficulty formatting the text, just type it in plain
text with a blank line between paragraphs -- I can go back and mark up
some headings and bullets and so forth, and we can kick it back and
forth until it satisfies you.

PS: I'm sending this to the list as well so that other people get a
sense of how easy it is to add stuff to a TWiki.

Randy Kramer

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