On Saturday 29 June 2002 11:06 pm, tom brinkman wrote:
> On Saturday 29 June 2002 07:31 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
> >  " * Digital Rights Management (Security). You agree that in order
> > to protect the integrity of content and software protected by
> > digital rights management ("Secure Content"), Microsoft may provide
> > security related updates to the OS Components that will be
> > automatically downloaded onto your computer. These security related
> > updates may disable your ability to copy and/or play Secure Content
> .             !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> > and use other software on your computer. If we provide such a
> > security update, we will use reasonable efforts to post notices on
> > a web site explaining the update. "
> >
> > Make that a double helping of KY, please.
> > -- cmg
> >
>   >>> "disable your ability" <<<
>    Pretty much says it all.  Unfortunately, most people (and many
> governments are just as bad, actually worse) and won't realize the
> ramifications til after the fact. I sort'a like to think it'll never
> come to this M$ final solution.  I'm sort'a old and worn out, but I
> can hardly imagine you young'uns will tolerate it. I pray not.
>     I can't imagine either the gov'ment's and commercial interests
> worldwide that are already movin towards free systems, will to cow
> tow to this kind'a B$.  Being old I sort'a like to believe that *free
> speech* software might just be the bootstrap the less-developed world
> needs to catch on, even if they haft'a carry it on by themselves.
> Hell, they already make the hardware. I'd like to think then they'll
> re-educate the 'first world' as to what it's all about in the *first*
> place.
>      I realize there's been a 'stupid' inflection into this
> conversation. Poor choice of words, delivery for disscussion .. BUT
> Government's are by nature ...big an' stupid. <yep, your's an' mine,
> where ever you are>
>    People OTOH, often succumb to what they wanna hear, and are saddled
> with misconceptions, misinformation and FUD when it comes to a
> keyboard/mouse .....  otherwise mostly intelligent persons.
>    Y'allsMMV, but I take some comfort in human nature.  After all, I
> is one ;>

Well, at least you're not so damn old that you didn't pick up on that 
zinger in the middle.

This is just the latest in a line of increasingly frequent outrages being 
committed by Uncle Bill. Now I'm given a choice of (a) aborting 
the download and leaving myself open to some kid taking over my PC, (b) 
accepting the upgrade and letting Bill decide what I can and cannot do with 
_my_ PC, or (c) biting the bullet, setting up Gnucash and recovering 10 gb of 
disk space. (c) sounds good to me.

Remember, the difference between middle age and old age is that in middle age 
you forget to zip up after, whereas in old age you forget to ___ ____. (It's 
left to the reader as an exercise to complete the sentence.)

-- cmg

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