I normally _strongly_  dislike including all previous text from
every message in a thread in the  current message.  But maybe
there's some wisdom in it :-)

 :: Where did you get your KDE rpms?

>From my very 1st first message:

    I'm running Mandrake 8.2 with stock KDE.

 ::  If it is MDK's it should have Xinerama
 :: support compiled by default and the Enable Xinerama Support option
 :: should not 
 :: be grayed out.

It shouldn't, but it is. :-)

 :: If it is, then I would suggest that you recompile the RPMS 
 :: and ensure that the --enable-xinerama option is turned on.
 :: Balaji

Good suggestion.  But I wrote in my second message in this thread:

    I don't relish trying to re-compile the kde subsystem. I'm not even
    sure what to re-build.  I count (at least) 17 .src.rpm files in cooker
    associated with kde-3.0.2 and a `rpm -qa| fgrep kde' brings up 24 kde
    (2.2.2) related .rpms installed on my current Mdk 8.2 system.  I think
    configuring and building a kernel (which I've done) looks easier than
    trying to rebuild kde.

In other words, the task daunts me.  But if someone
could shed some (more) light on things I'll give it a try.

Please note: I am quite familiar with building .rpm's from .src.rpm's
and I've hacked (in a limited way) my share of .spec files so
there's no need to go into this.

I need to know if I should rebuild _all_ the packages or just some
subset of them.   Also, consideration shd be given  to the
question of "Is this a big waste of time?".  I mean, if the
Mdk KDE packages are known to be compiled with xinerama support
enabled then recompiling them with xinerama support enabled shouldn't
(in a causal universe) fix my "grey out" problem.

Finally, please forgive the wry tone of this note.  I'm so frustrated
by the time I've wasted on this that I've actually toyed (for a
millesecond or two) with the idea of trashing linux entirely, and
going over to XP^H^H... no I won't say it.  I'm a long-time advocate
of linux so this was just a passing moment of insanity.  But my
frustration is, I fear, coming out as sarcasm.  Sorry!


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