Todd Lyons grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas wrote on Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 03:12:10AM -0300 :
> > 
> > I use adsl and my postix keeps using my fqdn and not my ISP SMNT!
> > How and where can I change this?
> > It does not hurt, but in some situations I can't email because....
> Others have already mentioned the relayhost.  Also set myorigin to the
> domain name of your ISP (which should be your email address).  That does
> more to solve the problem than anything.

Your E-Mail address doesn't necessarily have to be the same as the domain 
name of your ISP.  I can assure you that *my* ISP is not :-)

It appears that Mandrake has this mailing list set up to strip off all 
headers prior to the message arriving at their server.  Otherwise, I'd tell 
you to take a look at the headers for *this* message for examples of how 
none of that matters. :-)

Just FYI, it's been my experience that if you're running into a site which 
says that they don't accept direct delivery from ISP customers, that site 
has the IP address range of the dialup/DSL/ISDN bank for your ISP, and are 
refusing to accept direct port 25 connections from within that space due to 
the problem with spammers trying to fly under the radar of their own ISP 
when making a spam run (by bypassing the SMTP server for said ISP).  In 
cases such as that, your only real choice is to set relayhost to your ISP's 
mail server.  Setting your postfix configuration to have it report the same 
domain as your ISP won't do anything to help.

      David Guntner      GEnie: Just say NO! or key server
                 for PGP Public key

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