On Wed, 24 Jul 2002 10:48:42 -0500
Praedor Tempus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I thought I had this licked because I was getting along well for a while but 
> then, inexplicably, the problem pops up again.
> I am running Mandrake 8.2 with the Mandrake KDE 3.0.1 rpms installed (I am 
> VERY slowly downloading the KDE 3.0.2 rpms now...will take a week to finish).
> It is a known monstrous problem in KDE 3 that if you try to run the konsole 
> from the panel/kicker, it will freeze kicker and when you exit konsole, you 
> will get an error message about not being able to run "konsole-noxft".  GAH!  
> I tried several things to destroy this nonsense, from changing the real 
> konsole-noxft to another name and then symlinking konsole-noxft to plain ole 
> konsole, editing the properties for the konsole icon on the panel so that it 
> runs "konsole" instead of "konsole-noxft" (but this only lasts until your 
> next login), and finally, when nothing worked, I flat-out deleted 
> konsole-noxft (because I NEVER want to run without xft damnit!) and that 
> worked...for a while.  I quite getting the error message and konsole started 
> just fine from kicker (you do not get any problem if you run konsole from the 
> kmenu (??).  Then, and suddenly, I lately found that I couldn't run konsole 
> from the kicker icon at all because it started complaining about not being 
> able to find "konsole-noxft".  Duh, I deleted it and it was all perfectly 
> fine for about a month.  
> Has anyone come up with a permanent fix for this that does NOT involve the 
> very sad and repulsive suggestion from the KDE people of deleting the kicker 
> konsole icon and just putting a konsole icon on the desktop?  I will not do 
> this.  My desktop is clean and pristine and there will be no nonsensical 
> icons on it.  At the moment, I have replaced the konsole icon with one for 
> eterm but there is no antialiasing possible with this. 
> Anyone find a better fix than the KDE-suggested one?
> praedor

here is a solution given on "débutant". the newbie french list.
edit this file:
so that it looks like the following. just adapt your locales :)

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=konsole %i %m

GenericName=Terminal Program
X-KDE-AuthorizeAction=shell access


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