
You should accept connection from X servers to your tty with 
xhost + 
in any xterm or konsole in the mandrake machine. 
 (this accept from everyone...... use with care)
More info
 man xhost

XHOST(1)                                                 XHOST(1)

       xhost - server access control program for X

       xhost [[+-]name ...]

       The  xhost program is used to add and delete host names or
       user names to the list allowed to make connections to  the
       X  server.  In the case of hosts, this provides a rudimen­
       tary form of privacy control and  security.   It  is  only
       sufficient  for  a  workstation (single user) environment,
       although it does limit  the  worst  abuses.   Environments
       which require more sophisticated measures should implement
       the user-based mechanism or use the hooks in the  protocol
       for passing other authentication data to the server.

El Jue 15 Ago 2002 18:08, Oliver Thieke escribió:
> Hi out there at the screens,
> I've got a borderline case here...  I'm in the process
> of switching from a Windows environment to an Mandrake
> based one. Right now I'm struggling with the following
> problem:
> I want to connect with a xterm-Window from my Mandrake Box
> to a SUN Solaris box.  I must use X since I want to start
> an X app located on the Solaris machine.
> I'm using a dual-boot workstation. On the Windows half
> with Hummingbird eXceed installed and used everything
> works fine and easy since years.
> Changing to Mandrake 8.2 I'm unable to figure out how
> to accomplish the same task. According to one of my LX
> books it should be as easy as using the following command:
>       xterm -display
> (assuming that is the Solaris box' IP adress)
> But all I get is the following error message:
>       /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm.real Xt error: can't open display:
> (same holds true for variations of the -display option:
>   -display, -display  etc.)
> I was assuming that remotely accessing an X-Server would be
> as easy as connecting with telnet or VNC to another machine.
> Obviously it is not :-( ...
> It can't be an Solaris or network issue since I'm using in
> both cases the same machine with the same IP. With Windows (eXceed)
> it works, with Mandrake (XFree86) it refuses to do so...
> Hence it must be something with the local command execution or
> the local linux X configuration...
> I checked various Linux and Unix books, but they didn't come
> up with anything helpful.  I searched this mailing lists' archive:
> nothing.  I googled for it. I found the "XDM and X Terminal mini-HOWTO".
> They're saying in paragraph 6.2:
> "You can run X on a Linux box, instructing it to query a Solaris machine
>   as previously described:
>       /usr/X11R6/bin/X -query"
> Obviously I'm not an X guru ;-).  If I start another X server, how
> can a xterm then decide which one to connect to (the local one or
> the remote one on Solaris) ?  I don't want to set up a complete
> X-terminal. The Linux worksation should stay on its own. It just
> should open one xterm (or x-app) on another machine.
> I examined the eXceed config files for this case (windblows).
> They say:
>       [Xstart]
>       Start Method=0
>       Command=xterm -display
>       Host=
>       Host Type=SUN
>       (...)
> OK - obviously I got the xterm's command syntax wrong. The -display
> option has to point to the machine the xterm is running on (and
> not as I read and assumed first to the remote machine). But how to
> I tell my xterm then which host it should connect to ?
> I browsed a little bit thru /etc/X/ and found /etc/x/xdm/Xservers.
> But that's too deep inside X for me. I didn't want to play arround
> with X' config...
> Now I'm kinda lost...  Any pointers ?
> Many thanx for your help in advance !
> Greetings from the polish border :-)
> Oliver

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