(Hope this is not a duplicate -- it appears that I originally sent it 
to  myself -- oh, the hazards of experimenting with multiple mail 
clients. ;-) 

I guess I should have mentioned that joe and dummy are not in a common
group.  (joe is in a group called joe, dummy is in a group called
dummy, and, these are not the real names).

_And, I guess I haven't left dos behind -- I meant to type ls instead 
of dir._

Randy Kramer

On Tuesday 27 August 2002 09:13 pm, you wrote:
> On Tuesday 27 August 2002 06:17 pm, you wrote:
> > This is a little hard to follow ... perhaps an example?  Do you
> > mean
> >
> > drwx------  joeuser  ourgroup   group_directory
> Thanks for your response!  I'll try an example:
> Two users: joe and dummy
> file /home/joe/mail/test.txt
> -rw-r--rw-    1 joe      joe          8224 Aug 27 20:50 test.txt
> dir /home
> drwxr-xr-x    5 root     root          120 Feb  6  1996 ./
> dir /home/joe
> drwxr-xr-x   32 joe      joe          2008 Aug 26 20:03 ./
> dir /home/joe/mail
> drwx---r-x    2 joe      joe           496 Aug 27 20:48 ./
> With the above situation, dummy could not access file
> /home/joe/mail/test.txt.
> After quite a bit of experimentation, I changed the permissions on
> dir /home/joe/mail to:
> drwxr-xr-x    2 joe      joe           496 Aug 27 20:48 ./
> and finally, at this point, dummy could access test.txt.  That's what
> I found surprising.  Is it the expected behavior of Linux?
> > A much better way of doing this would be to create a directory
> > outside of any user's home directory, give that directory (and the
> > files in it) a specific group name, and assign whoever you want as
> > users to be members of that group.  Then set permissions g+rwx to
> > subdirectories, and g+rw to files in it.
> Well, I ran into a bunch of roadblocks in bending Procmail to my
> will. Sort of surprising for a system that supposedly allows you to
> shoot yourself in the foot if you want to.  Best/most expedient
> resolution I came up with was to create a dummy user (dummy) and let
> him place mail directly into some of joe's mail folders.
> regards.
> Randy Kramer


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