On Thu, 2002-09-05 at 09:21, Paul Stear wrote:
> Hi all,
> I need some help to set my network up please.
> I have 2 machines, one with windows 98SE and the other with Mandrake 8.2.
> I have just installed a D-Link DSL-504 adsl router and can connect to the 
> internet using both machines via lan cards.
> The problem is that I cannot see the windows machine from Mandrake or 
> Mandrake from the windows machine.
> Both machines are set up to have ip addresses allocated at boot time from the 
> DSL DHCP server.
> The windows machine is named PC1 with workgroup = HOMENET
> The linux machine is set as PC2.HOMENET


What do you mean when you say the computers can't see each other? Can
you ping them by IP address? In other words, you sit at your Win98 PC
and open a DOS window, then type 'ping' and you get 4
replies. Next, sit at your Mandrake PC and open an xterm, then type
'ping -c 5' and you get 5 replies. If these both work, then
your basic network config is fine, you just need to setup a couple more

If you want to be able to share files in Network Neighborhood, then you
will need Samba.

If you just want to be able to ping using host names, then it might be
easiest to setup static IP addresses on your little network, and then
setup Bind (DNS server) on your Mandrake PC. You may want to do this
anyway, even if you only care about Network Neighborhood, 'cuz it's good
practice ;-)

If you don't feel like dealing with Bind, then you could simply make
entries for each PC in your 'hosts' files (C:\Windows\hosts for Win98,
/etc/hosts for Linux). The syntax for these files is self-explanatory.

Dave Sherman        |     "They that can give up essential liberty
MCSE, MCSA, CCNA    |       to obtain a little temporary safety
                    |       deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                    |        - Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790)

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