On Saturday, September 7, 2002, at 07:02 PM, Alan Shoemaker wrote:

>> I'm trying to remember
>> that multi-tasking software for DOS, but the name escapes
>> me...
> Vincent....it was DESQview.  DESQview and QEMM were both
> products from Quarterdeck.  I was a PCBoard (Clark
> Development Company, now defunct) sysop carrying RelayNet
> (RIME). :)

YES!  That was it... DESQview...  Thanks, Alan... I've been beating my 
head trying to remember the name...  =)  PCBoard... never really did 
like that one...  I was always running stuff like Renegade and 
Oblivion/2... man.. ran OBV/2 for years (and beta tested and wrote the 
docs for it even!).  Finally went on to BBBS...  the last (and best) 
BBS software I used...  I used it because they had a Linux native 
version... =)  I keep thinking about setting one up again just for 
kicks...  Dang...  I worked on the docs and beta tested BBBS as well...

I think I've always had too many projects on the go... <sigh>  Anyways, 
yes.. now I can sleep... =)

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
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