On Thu, 2002-09-26 at 20:59, s wrote:

> Hi gang,
> I have a little mystery going on here that isn't really distro or 
> version specific as I've had it happen to me for many many mandrake 
> releases and in Slackware.  But something somewhere somehow for some 
> reason is creating an empty .xinitrc file in my home directory on 
> occasion, and of course the startx command won't work with it 
> present.  I delete it mot, but got the bright idea of just sticking a 
> copy of the system xinitrc in ~ in hopes that it wouldn't happen 
> again.
> But my curiousity driving me nuts as to what is doing this?

Next time it happens you could use stat to at least pin point when the
file was created and/or modified.  This information may help you
identify the process that is creating the file.

$ stat .xinitrc




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