Title: RE: [expert] Mandrake 9.0 Questions

Hi There,

        Copying over the source code for my sound card from Redhat to Mandrake didn't work.  Off topic, I couldn't beleive how the files structure of the kernel source differs between the two distributions.  Talk about consistency ;-).

        I'll try your suggestion over the weekend and see how it goes.  Thanks for your help.


-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Wilter Sousa da Silva [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 11 October, 2002 3:31 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] Mandrake 9.0 Questions

Hi Craig,

        So if you use RH you do see (better, listen) your card working
pretty well?

        If so, why don't you use MDK 9.0 wiht RH 8.0 kernel and see what
happen?  I use openmosix kernel based on RH kernel and it's works
gracefully under my MDK 9.0.  Detail, I had to disable supermount and
devfs.  BTW, despite I'm not using devfs due to my kernel option, it's now
working very well.


On Wed, 9 Oct 2002, Todd Lyons wrote:

> Craig Williamson (ENZ) wrote on Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 07:21:18AM +1000 :
> >
> >     I saw the threads.  Changing from OSS to ALSA and vice versa does
> > not change anything.  The advice you gave on the emu10k1.conf type file did
> I had high hopes for that :(
> > not work because it is not on my system.  I have a CS4630 based sound card
> > so I should be looking for a cs46xx.conf file?  Which can't be found on my
> That was someone else who suggested that.  I have never heard of that,
> but suspect that it's a feature that is dependent on that particular
> driver (ie maybe only the emu10k1 module looks for a config file).  I'll
> have to look into that.
> >     I don't want to hack the cabling because it works fine in other
> > OSes.  If you have another suggestion can you let me know.  Otherwise I'll
> > dump Mandrake9.0 wait until Mandrake9.1 to see if the problem is fixed.
> Watch the Cooker development kernels and try those.  In most cases, you
> should be able to take the next few months worth of kernels and drop
> them into your system with little to know changes.  I suspect that you
> will find one with the appropriate patches to fix that problem of the
> phase being incorrect, but I suspect that to be a couple months out (new
> kernels will probably appear every week or two, but don't know how
> quickly those patches will make it to a release point in our kernel).
> Blue skies...                 Todd

Alan Wilter S. da Silva
 Laboratório de Física Biológica
  Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho
   Universidade do Brasil/UFRJ
    Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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