On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 11:50, Robert Fox wrote:
> You're a bunch of help.  I read through the documentation, but as you
> may know - there's a lot of it!  It's not very obvious - and the feback
> in the logs is sparse.
> I though that when one uses the Mandrake Wizard for Apache and specify
> an Intranet server, that it sets up the necessary rights to read that
> directory - apparently NOT.
> I found the problem - and I used Webmin to change the /Directory section
> to allow all instead of the default localhost.
> Thanks again for all the responses.
> Cheers,
> R.Fox

For what it's worth, I've found the Apache documentation extremely
helpful. Yes, there's a lot of it, and sometimes you have to wade
through several levels before you find what you're looking for. But by
the time you find it, you also have a better working knowledge of how
your system works -- and that, in itself, has great value, even if you
suffered a few headaches along the way.

Dave Sherman        |     "They that can give up essential liberty
MCSE, MCSA, CCNA    |       to obtain a little temporary safety
                    |       deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                    |        - Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790)

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