On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 05:03, Dave Sherman wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 02:42, Damon Lynch wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm pretty sure I'm seeing a bug in Mozilla, but it seems so obvious I
> > don't know why it wouldn't have already been reported and fixed.  Does
> > anyone else have problems pasting 25KB + of text into a textarea within
> > a form when running Mozilla?  Perhaps rarely it can be done, but
> > oftentimes Mozilla just sits there when something is pasted in, and
> > doesn't actually paste it. Middle click doesn't work either.  The
> > problem also affects Galeon.
> Yes, I have the same problem, and it is rather annoying when I am trying
> to paste text from an OpenOffice doc into my website's web-based content
> editor (a form w/ textarea). I haven't taken any time to troubleshoot
> it, however.

Only getting this from Ooo myself.  If I open the same doc in AbiWord it
doesn't happen.  Seems that they aren't using the same clipboard maybe. 
Real problem I have with Mozilla in 9.0 is that I can't login to
Mandrake-Expert with Mozilla..... Konq and Opera work fine.  But Mozilla
always errors out.  (actually happened with another site but can't
remember what one that was.)  

But the large data c&p problem seems to be limited to Ooo and Star


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