Okay, this is the only odd thing I have left. The postfix/fetchmail/procmail 
combo is collecting the mail just like its supposed to. I have it polling 
every 5 mins.

I can open Kmail, and hey-magic-presto! all my mail is waiting to be perused. 

If I leave Kmail open...no more mail. (its set to poll every 5 mins as well). 
I can tell it to check manually-still no mail. I can check my procmail log 
and it shows the mail being recieved.

If I close Kmail, wait, open Kmail, it once again reads all mail that the 
postfix/fetchmail/procmail combo has grabbed.

Anyone have any ideas 'cause I don't have a clue... :-)


                                                                  Dark< >Lord

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