On Wed, 2002-10-30 at 04:47, Danni Coy wrote:
> > I'm running MDK 9.0 and had KDE with a few Galeon's open, and the workstation 
> > had been up for several days. One night, memory consumed by the X process 
> > reached over 200 MB and the system started to swap for everything. I had 
> > never seen this before. 
> > 
> > X is configured using the stock nv driver, 24-bit color. I understand how a 
> > process like Galeon might run away, but what causes X itself to bloat up? If 
> > it's an application, how do you figure out which one?
> Yup I am noticing this behaviour all the time... my system never goes
> into the swap file though.... It has been common for X to eat over
> 300mb.... Though it seems to give back when memory reaches 100%.
> I am using the nvidia driver. 

I don't get the same thing here... and I'm not using nvidia... the two
may be related.  One thing you could do is telinit to run level 3.  Then
do memusage startx as the user you want to be using X as.  X will run as
normal and stats on memory usage get output to the tty you started x


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