On Wednesday 06 November 2002 11:04 pm, Gonzalo Avaria wrote:
> Hi u guys, i need to ask some questions about security
> of my PC.
> I have the  FTP service running, and want to know if
> it is safe or i could get a intruder from there, I

Yes, an intruder can easily "hack" your machine via FTP, especially if you 
aren't very dilligent about applying the latest patches.

> have the ssh server running and that's all i need,

So, why are you using FTP??  Stick with sftp, if this is for your own personal 
use, or the use of a small group of people.  Even if it's for a large group 
of people, you should give it serious consideration...

> because i have a "Floating" IP because it changes
> everytime i connect, so i cannot have http servers
> running nor a mail server.
> Second, how can the people outside can open an
> anonymous FTP session if i don't give my IP? is there

Someone looking for you, in particular, might have a hard time, but that's not 
the problem.  The problem is that there are many-many s'kiddies out there, 
who are constantly portscanning whole blocks of IP addresses.  They don't 
have to know (and generally don't care) who you are--they simply find an open 
FTP port (on _your_ machine) and "have (hack?) at it"...


> a way that they could know that my PC is FTP
> enabled(like searching inf google or anything like
> that?)?
> Well i'll not gonna waist anymore of your time, thanks
> for the answers, see you.
> =====
> Gonzalo Avaria
> Alumno de Licenciatura en Fisica
> Facultad de Cs. Fisicas y Matematicas
> Universidad de Concepcion

'Educational' refers to the process, not the object. Although, come to
think of it, some of my teachers could easily have been replaced by a

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