check your bios power management settings.. turn them all off.. then try

I had a similiar prob recently where a tiny cgi-script would take 100% CPU
for 40 seconds..
with the bios APM off, it took about 3% for less then 2 seconds..

big difference..



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Randy Kramer
Sent: Tuesday, 19 November 2002 12:15 AM
Subject: [expert] Observations: (1) Strange behavior of top, (2) Slow
system due to kmail with no indication on top

Sometimes I think it may be useful to someone to just post some
observations.  I had occasion to reboot Mandrake 9.0 three times

(Incidental observation: two occasions were intentional -- wanted to see
if a reboot would restore my performance -- kmail seems to slow down
the system more and more the longer it runs -- don't see anything
suspicious on top (i.e., no excessive CPU usage, no excessive memory
usage), but if I shut down kmail, the whole system is more responsive,
system is still OK when I restart kmail, but over a few days, the
system just gets slower and slower.  Third reboot was due to a power
failure longer than my UPS could ride out)

Here is the main observation -- after two of those boots, top performed
strangely -- once I started top, the first update of top showed low CPU
state usage (like 0.3% user, 0.7% system).  The next update of top
(which I assume now counted top) showed state usage totalling 100% (or
almost) between user and system, and similarly on each subsequent
update.  (I hadn't noticed that behavior with top before the first
reboot, but sometimes I'm not ready to trust my memory of behaviors
that I can't reconfirm.)  Now, after the third reboot, behavior is back
to what I expect -- low state usage except when I do something that
makes it spike.

Wierd!  (Am I running Windows by mistake??)

I'm not really / actively looking for a fix (at least for the top
behavior) -- if somebody knows why this occurs and has a simple fix,
I'd probably try it.  I assume the kmail performance problem is
something that will be fixed in future versions of kde (whatever the
problem is).

Randy Kramer

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