John McQuillen grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 12:31, David Guntner wrote:
> > Well, the TERM value that *I'm* using doesn't come in to play, in this 
> > case. :-)  I'm using a PHP web application which uses expect to spawn 
> > screen and do its thing.  So it's the apache user that's executing this 
> > command from within the web server.  There's no TERM set for that, nor 
> > should there be (as far as I know).  Is there a setting/command-line 
> > switch/something else that can be used to tell screen to disregard TERM (or 
> > the lack thereof?)
> > 
> Can't you just include ?TERM=xterm in your link to the application?

Will that interfere with other things that are already set up?  The address 
line already shows ?otherstuff=somethingelse when I click on a link, so I 
know that it's already looking at what it's being called with.

I'm just trying to avoid problems here. :-)  I'll give it a try.

Alternately, is there a way to specify the TERM variable on the expect 
spawn?  For example, one of the scripts has this in it:

cd $op19 
set timeout 20 
spawn screen ./nwserver -interactive -maxclients $op0 -minlevel $op1 -
  maxlevel $op2 -pauseandplay $op3 -pvp $op4 -servervault $op5 -elc $op6 
  -ilr $op7 -gametype $op8 -oneparty $op9 -difficulty $op10 
  -autosaveinterval $op11 -dmpassword $op12 -adminpassword $op13 
  -servername $op14 -publicserver $op15 -reloadwhenempty $op16 
  -port $op17 -module $op18
match_max 100000
expect eof

(The indenting is being done by me to make the wrap-around readable.  
Everything from "spawn" until just before "max_match" is all on one line.)  
I'll give a try to doing the TERM=xterm that you mention above - hopefully 
it will work.  I'm just curios to see if there's another way in case that 
doesn't work....

      David Guntner      GEnie: Just say NO! or key server
                 for PGP Public key

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