Here is something that seems to be broken.  I took my mdk 8.2 Professional 
CDs, copied them to the RAID 5 array on my main Linux box (running mdk 8.2), 
and installed over the network (through http) to my test box earlier today.  
The install itself went without a hitch and I was able to run the automatic 
updater (over cable modem through my firewall).

The problem that I noticed is that once the machine came up after the install 
the subnet it dhcpd was wrong.  (Instead of grabbing a.b.c.s it got a.b.0.s.)

NIC: DLink 530TX+

This used to work on a previous install of mdk 8.2 on the same box.  
(Different NIC do to two others recently going out on the box).  I doubt that 
the problem is the NIC this time (DLink 530TX+) because the NIC dhcped its 
info and worked flawlessly on the install and continues to work flawlessly 
under Windows XP on the same box.

The dhcpd.leases file on the dhcpd server has an entry for test box that is 
identical except that it shows a.b.c.s for the IP while the test box itself 
has a.b.0.s (notice the 0 instead of c).  The entry has a different IP 
address than the machine did with the previous NICs, so it had to of worked 
properly at least once.  Also there are no entries with the a.b.0.s in the 
dhcpd.leases file while at the same time the machine grabs its info without 
reporting errors.

Something else that I noticed is that Mandrake's RPM manager reports that I 
have the original dhcpcd client on the machine.  I am wondering if something 
else got updated and messed things up or if there is something else going on 
that I haven't thought about yet.

I also thought that it is a little ironic that this very same NIC I am having 
problems with now had been dishing out IP addresses to my network until about 
55 days ago when I decomissioned my AMD K5-75  (due to the motherboard 
flaking out).

Over the past year and a half I have had two ports on my switch go out from 
under this card, but the card itself checked out fine.

Any help would be appreciated.
--Jason Snyder--

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