Just thought I'd let you all know.  

The upcoming reiserfs4 will include "Encryption On Commit".  This does
approximately what I described below, but not on a fs image, but on
single files withing the filesystem.
The encryption is done through plugins to reiser.

The current schedule puts its release in june 2003.

Kind regards


On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 16:52, Jack Coates wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 07:30, Guy Van Sanden wrote:
> > Hello everyone
> > 
> > I've been looking arround for a way to use a PGP(/GPG) encrypted disk
> > image on Linux.  PGPdisk seems to provide it for windows (although the
> > fact that the underlying OS is insecure neutralises the security).
> > 
> > What I have in mind is a disk image with a filesystem on it that
> > provides on the fly encryption with gnupg.
> > That part is easy, but it should be mounted without decrypting it to
> > disk first (avoiding a vulnerable copy that can be recovered).
> > 
> If your system has been compromised to the level that an attacker can
> read an encrypted or decrpyted disk image in your home directory, then
> that attacker is just as capable of reading your key ring. Getting the
> passphrase is a mite tougher, but hardly impossible -- in fact, given
> the timeout mentioned below it's somewhat likely that the passphrase
> will be in .bash_history because your going to be typing it all the
> time. Get a slow prompt or the wrong xterm, whoops! Of course, since the
> attacker has shell with root or your privileges, they can easily run a
> keyboard sniffer on your session. .bash_history will certainly provide a
> lovely list of the files that you're using most frequently from the
> encrypted area.
> > let's say that I have an image called /home/gvs/safe.imgpg.
> > It should be mounted with something like 'mount -t gpg_img
> > /home/gvs/safe.imgpg /home/gvs/safe, where you put your passphrase in.
> > 
> > The trick is that the image should never be fully decrypted, if the
> > system is powered off without unmounting, the image should remain
> > encrypted.
> > Using OpenPGP for the encryption has the advantage over other encrypted
> > filesystems that you need both the private key and the passphrase to
> > decrypt it, which makes it safe to transport it over insecure channels
> > (like ftp).
> > 
> > Maybe some option can be added, setting a timeout for the passphrase
> > (next access needs it to be re-entered).
> > 
> > Has anyone ever heard of something like this?
> > Or any ideas how exactly this can be pieced together with existing
> > programs?
> > 
> Have a look at http://www.kerneli.org for the basic tools, but it looks
> to me like they've taken down their crypto-filesystem howto, at least
> partially because of the argument above IIRC. The problem is the same on
> Unix as on Windows -- you're trying to secure something while you're
> using it.
Guy Van Sanden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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