On Wednesday 08 January 2003 06:34 am, et wrote:
> no warrenty on this, but with everything running so well for so long,,,
> consider the posible cables may have gotten bumped or steped on in such a
> way it mat have pulled a little loose? have you reseated the cables?
I don't think it would be cables, although that would be a common problem. the 
reason I say that is because if it was a cable the driver would still load 
with no problems. This seems to be hardware problems. I wonder if you have 
added any hardware to cause an IRQ conflict that is sporatic? If NOTHING has 
changed then I'd change the nic and see what happens. 

> On Wednesday 08 January 2003 12:33 am, David Rankin wrote:
> > I have been struggling with a weird message lately that hasn't appeared
> > over the past 2 years until the past few weeks. I don't have any clue as
> > to what this is actually telling me, but I would suspect that it may be
> > the initial gasps of a dying LNE100TX network card (tulip driver). It may
> > only show up once or twice every week. However, with my very limited
> > kernel error message understanding, I'm at a loss. So experts -- Chime
> > in!
> >
> > Setup:
> >
> > LM 7.2 Odyssey (2.2.19 kernel)
> > Abit Kt7 mb
> > AMD T-bird 800
> > Linksys LNE100TX
> > (No hardware changes since Jan, 2001)
> >
> > Network:
> >
> > server -> 8 port C-net hub [7 out to LAN 1 to] -> 4 port Linksys
> > cable/dsl router [1 LAN connection] -> (the rest of the world/internet)
> >
> >
> > No problems for over 580 days. Since 12/26/02 I have received the
> > following message with varying frequency. It really hung on the 12/26,
> > but after that I only see the message once maybe twice a day or week?
> >
> > Jan  3 11:28:22 Nemesis kernel: eth0: Tx hung, 1191883 vs. 1191882.
> > Jan  3 11:28:22 Nemesis kernel: eth0: PNIC2 transmit timed out, status
> > e4000000, CSR6/7 01000000 / effffbff
> > CSR12 40a1d0cc, resetting...
> >
> > OK, this is Jan 7 and I haven't had the message since the 3rd, so:
> >
> > What in the heck does this error mean? Google says that it may be a tulip
> > driver error, but that is no explaination as to why I would go 500+ days
> > without the error and then have it magically (or a a result of
> > witchcraft) appear? Does it smell like a hardware problem? When it
> > occurs, I have noticed that my C-net 8 port hub acts flakey. After I
> > disconnect all the clients, reset the modem, reset the router, reset the
> > hub -- everything seems OK. So what gives? (I generally do a
> > ..../init.d/network restart just to be on the safe side) Which resets
> > without any errors.
> >
> > My real question is what in the hell is an: eth0: Tx hung message mean?
> > What does the eth0: PNIC2 message mean? Docos and info is sparse on this
> > message. So, has anyone else got a clue as to what I'm dealing with?
> >
> > As always, any wisdom would be greatly appreciated.

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