On Tue, 2003-01-14 at 12:50, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 12:20 -0700, Robert Goshko wrote:
> > - On the individual package selection and configuration of services
> > screen the "work box" on the screen is smaller than the content
> > displayed, obscuring the buttons.  The screen is big enough.  Weird.
> How did you solve this? I have the same prob and cannot get on with
> the installation except using text mode which again does not allow
> expert mode.

Since the "Next" button is usually the last one on the screen, I counted
the "tab" keystrokes until the cursor/highlight box came back and then
did count-1.  It seemed to work :)

-- Putting the K in quality for 10^-2 centuries.
Robert Goshko                  Axis Computer Consulting Services, Inc
President                              Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
http://www.axis-dev.ca/       Supporting the Revolution In Your World
Registered Linux User #260513        GNU/Linux i686 2.4.20-2mdk-725ca
  1:41pm  up  6:02,  5 users,  load average: 2.38, 2.14, 1.94

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