I for one would love to hear how you got ATIs to work under Mandrake.

I used an old Rage AIW years ago with small problems but when I went to 
install software for a Radeon 7500 AIW I felt myself slipping down a DRM path 
upon which I would prefer not to go.

I have been following VideoLAN for a couple of years and never found the 
motivation to overcome the initial obstacles.

I see lots of applications for classroom use.

Jim Tarvid

On Wednesday 22 January 2003 10:03 am, Dave Laird wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Good morning, Lorne...
> On Tuesday 21 January 2003 07:23 pm, Lorne wrote:
> > I hate to disparidge ATI. I DID use an ATI card for about year. It was
> > always a fight though. My XP box hung on a regular basis. I initially
> > blamed the other hardware. After an annoying 6 months, I tried it on my
> > wife's machine. Same thing. It was a Dell dude. I then tried it on my
> > son's
> After reading about the number of "incompatibility issues" (translated to
> mean it doesn't work with this platform) and trying it initially with XP, I
> finally dumped XP entirely and stuck with Windows 98. This was, of course,
> just shortly after XP arrived. *Never*, ever ever use a Microsoft product
> when it is a relative newcomer. You have to wait for the patches and
> upgrades to arrive before you can use it. <sly grin>
> > machine. Even worse. Bought complete new hardware. Newer machine for
> > poppa.
> >
> > :) Same crap, except MUCH MUCH worse. I of course blamed it on the
> >
> > motherboard. Took it back and got another. Same thing. Changed
> > motherboard brands. I mean BAD! By this time, I'm starting to doubt that
> > everybody is wrong but ATI. I bumped into a young fellow at the computer
> > store and he about spit out his soda when I said I was trying to use ATI.
> > He said Nvidia was the way to go. I knew from past experience that
> > Hauppage was good, so returned the ATI card, got the original MB back,
> > got a T4400? Nvidia card with 128mb of ram and BAM! Not a whit of
> > problems since. So there you have
> See? If I had discovered this forum before now, I would have already made
> the transition to Hauppage a long time ago. However, through patching and
> perseverence, I now have the ATI All-in-Wonder-Pro AGP working fine under
> Linux. If anyone else wants to know the mystical secrets to success, I'll
> post them here, otherwise keep them to myself. (It takes less than five
> minutes, based upon my experience).
> > my tail of woe. I don't know if they take short cuts with their stuff,
> > but if you look at their drivers, they are constantly updating fixing,
> > fixing again, updating.... What is wrong with this picture? Folks are
> > having grief with them! I just don't have the time or patience anymore.
> Were it not for getting it work under Linux, it would have gone into the
> rather large box in the closet marked "FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT" written on
> the outside. Migod, there are things in that box I haven't even *touched*
> in over five years. Some development process, huh?  8->
> > Do they work. yes, but how stable are they? I'm sure that on some
> > combinationof hardware they are wonderful. But this is my experience. Of
> > course I'm glad you had a good experience with tech support. I sure hope
> > they have improved from what I got. They won't last long if they don't
> > get it together. IMHO.
> You are quite right. I got lucky the one time, but since I am considering
> building a really high-end workstation by the beginning of spring, you can
> bet I will be purchasing a Hauppage TV card to go with it for my own use.
> Getting the ATI working for a customer actually *addicted* me to television
> and video on the desktop.
> However, to avoid the moderator's wrath, perhaps we should start a
> scholarly discussion of how to get streaming video working under Mandrake
> Linux and KDE, perhaps. I still haven't begun to explore/exploit that one
> yet, as I understand it requires a kernel patch, something I'm *never* fond
> of doing unless it is mandatory. 8-) What the heck, the week's young, isn't
> it? 8-)
> Dave
> - --
> Dave Laird ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> The Used Kharma Lot / The Phoenix Project
> Web Page:   http://www.kharma.net updated 01/20/2003
> Year 2 of running Mandrake Linux workstation on a 100% Microsoft-free
> system.
> An automatic & random thought For the Minute:
> marriage, n.:
>       Convertible bonds.
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
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> mASwxCVSOjeQDfKV9S/Zrbs=
> =iymU

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