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The current issue of "Linux Journal" has an interesting story about a 
program called "spambayes": interesting enough that I wanted to try it on 
my gateway/firewall machine.

This machine is running LM 8.2 (on the grounds that "if it ain't broke, 
don't fix it"; I have LM 9.0 running on another machine, but don't like to 
make other than minimal changes on the machine that acts as my gateway to 
the world).

The spambayes page says that it needs a later version of python than the 
version 2.1.1 that came with LM 8.2.

"OK", thought I, "that's a minor upgrade that probably won't break 
anything". But when I went to install the python 2.2.2-6mdk rpm from the 
cooker, it wanted several more rpms. These looked innocuous enough (things 
like python libraries). But then those wanted more. And then those wanted 
things like a new version of kde-base and dhcpd. At which point I thought 
"why on Earth should I need to install a new version of dhcpd just because 
I want to upgrade from python 2.1.1 to 2.2.2?"

So the upshot of all this is: what is the recommended procedure for 
upgrading from python 2.1.1 to 2.2.2 on an LM 8.2 machine without having to 
mess with anything major and with a reasonable assurance that nothing will 

  Doc Evans

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