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Lyvim Xaphir wrote on Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 10:52:04PM -0800 :
> Hmmmmm....very interesting indeed.  Since dhcp was a concept in and of
> itself to ease configuration problems, and then zeroconf is using dhcp
> to ease configuration problems, which is what *zeroconf itself* is
> supposed to be contributing.  In the case of no dhcp or dns, what the
> hell happens?  Not everybody is connected to a

Not quite.  zeroconf is supposed to provide networking by using
multicast dns (which tmdns provides).  It uses negotiation with other
zeroconf hosts to find an ip address in  It's more like
a samba broadcast than anything else.

To anybody who hasn't done it yet, go look at http://www.zeroconf.org
and look through their technical documents.  It really is quite nice.

I think the problem that cooker people are seeing is that it's
installing dh-client now instead of dhcpcd and so some of the options
that were normally set in /etc/sysconfig/network and
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth* are not quite working the same
as they used to.
- -- 
  Todd Lyons -- MandrakeSoft, Inc.   http://www.mandrakesoft.com/
UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because 
  that would also stop you from doing clever things. -- Doug Gwyn
      Mandrake Cooker Devel Version, Kernel 2.4.21pre4-10mdk
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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