> Like I said X worked well, so did gdm for that matter.  There really are
> only 3 things I want out of kde Konqueror, kdm and kate.  So I tried an
> experiment.  Since installing from the cooker wasn't working (I'm
> running cooker on this box.)  I backed off to the rc1 disk version (the
> last one that worked that I can still get ) and poof ... everything
> worked.  When and if they get the hdlist.cz matching the actual files in
> cooker I'll let the upgrade run again and see what happens.  More and
> More it seems to be related to the latest qt3.  I filed the bug report
> but was told they couldn't duplicate my problem.  

Did you try to install the entire KDE packeage? Not sure if this would
help with this problem, but it might. other than that it does look like
something is broken/missing from your install of cooker...perhaps it is
QT3. Does RC1 use the same QT version?? if not try downgrading to it and
see if that helps. Cooker seems to be using libqt- as of
02/25/03 and rc1 was last updated 02/18/03.


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