my concern with all of this..

is that M$ is telling people that the lower cost of linux (ie they mean
free) is
not the full picture, and the extra training etc and so on should be taken
into account when working out TCO...

with redhat and Mandrake server products.. the actual product price is
fairly high also..
add the extra training and so on required.. and the M$ point will start
looking like it has validity

so really, the one that looks most impressive on a server to people looking
at the cost of implimenting linux is debian.....



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Vincent Danen
Sent: Thursday, 6 March 2003 3:34 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] Mandrake's Golden Opportunity

On Wed Mar 05, 2003 at 02:24:09AM -0500, Bill Mullen wrote:

> Another possible benefit of Jim's proposal is the shift it could bring
> in the (wholly inaccurate, but unfortunately all too common) perception
> of Mandrake as a "limited" distro that is exclusively aimed at the
> desktop user and the Linux newbie; by making plainly clear that Mandrake
> has a strong commitment to the server space and the long-term user, the
> company will be saying to the community, in effect, "Not only do we damn
> well plan to still be around in three years, thank you very much, but we
> also plan on being there /for you/ when certain other distros we could
> mention will have long since forgotten that you even exist, except as
> someone they can extort more revenue from for whole-distro upgrades that
> you truly neither need nor want. That is the way of the Dark Side, and
> we will have no truck with it."

In effect, the Corporate Server 2.1 announcement says exactly this.

Another thing to say is "use the right tool for the right job".  Mandrake
Linux (the product) is in fact a desktop/poweruser/workstation type distro.
Corporate Server, on the other hand, is intended for servers.

The right tool and all that.

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