On Fri, 2003-03-07 at 03:37, Ric Tibbetts wrote:
> And just what does any of this have to do with MDK?
> I don't particularly care what will, or will not install on XP. This
> isn't the place for it.
> Ric
Nothing. And everything.

BTW, it was supposed to go to the OT list. A careless click did it all.

In the 90s, when OS/2 version 3 was launched and NT 3.5 was still
vaporware, I read somewhere that software companies were massively
commiting suicide by developing only for Winblows and not for OS/2. At
that time I learned about the new DOS version and Lotus 123 story.

Companies like Borland (Quattro Pro, Paradox, TurboC, TurboPascal),
WordPerfect, Lotus (123, WordPro, Organizer) and Ashton-Tate (dBase)
kept developing only for Winblows, while M$ kept hiding secrets API that
were needed for program to work in an acceptable way. And every new
version of Winblows made those program behave even weirder or slower.

That article was prophetic. Those company are gone, downsized to
molecular level or serving a niche market. Also OS/2 is gone.

History is repeating again. Companies are not developing for Linux
because it doesn't have a significant market share in the desktop arena
and instead they kept developing for Winblows.

Meanwhile M$ is doing everything it can to "show" people that competing
software quality is inferior. And if they can't, then they do something
to make people life harder installing the competing packages.

Could you imagine the position of Linux if there were the products I
already mentioned for this platform? Well, my guess is that right now
would be a massive move from Winblows to Linux.

It would be the end of this chicken-egg history: companies don't develop
for a platform because there are not enough customers working on it, but
customers don't adopt the platform because there are not enough
application to work with on it. Meanwhile the only winner stay healthy
in the US Northwest coast.

I would hate going back to Winblows. Right now I make most of my living
with Windows and live happily in Linux. By the end of the year that
sentence will only contains the word Linux. My clients are now open to
make the move.

Again sorry for posting a "non technical" subject in this list. But it
has a lot to do with Mandrake future as a significant desktop operating
system from the point of view of market share.

Moving to the OT list.
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