On 08 Mar 2003 08:02:07 -0800 Jack Coates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, 2003-03-08 at 07:08, Pierre Fortin wrote:
> ...
> > > buckled tighter than NORAD.
> > 
> > Funny you should mention NORAD...  from '64 to '71, I worked in NORAD
> > HQ(Canada) deep under the mountain...  so I have my own opinions about
> > how thight NORAD is... can't say any more... :> 
> > 
> I actually struggled for a while trying to think of something that says
> "security" but actually means it... Fort Knox, a bank, WOPR, oh well :-)
> ...

In this super-connected world, it's hard to give analogies without
"walking into it"...  LOL

> > Just confirms my "matrix" comment above...   I could keep myself safe
> > in a hermetically sealed box; but would die from lack of oxygen... 
> > security should *protect* a system, not kill its functionality, or
> > worse lower the user's choice of security...  My point is that it's
> > not up to the distros to define the rules, rather provide the tools
> > and some guidelines.  If msec was better thought out, it would
> > probably be able to let us select security levels on all the
> > individual components instead of a matrix of predefined settings.
> the matrix idea requires the administrator to first learn the matrix,
> second agree or disagree with it, and third make adjustments in
> perm.local. Absence of a matrix requires the administrator to make all
> the decisions from scratch. Using the matrix makes your mistakes less
> likely and the distro's mistakes more dangerous, not using the matrix
> puts you in full control instead of the distro. 

I have no problem with a matrix; but this is like only being able to
select a column in your spreadsheet, not a row or individual cell... 

I have not been able to find the dependency failure (installed everything
related AFAIK) to be able to compile http://kaptain.sourceforge.net;
otherwise, I'd probably have coded a visual (1/2 way between the GUI/CLI
argument :) interface to msec and other stuff...   at my age, I prefer
prototyping tools and then let the young 'uns code for speed...  :>

> You say tomayto, I say tomahto on the theory here, but I do agree that
> there are issues with the practice -- especially in levels 4 and 5. I
> actually don't find this situation much different than configuring
> Tripwire. You can build your own policy file from scratch, or you can
> start from one of the templates. If you change policy to a new, less
> restrictive template, it isn't going to remember how you used to like
> it.

All or nothing approach which is the problem IMO.

> > 
> > I would check the msec docs; but I removed msec...  begs the
> > orthogonal question:  why aren't docs, man pages, info pages, etc.
> > grouped into(general, sysadmin, security, other_major_grouping} and
> > installed separately?  That way, a user could make an informed
> > decision before installing a package...
> > 
> that's what the web is for :-)

and that's really easy for a newbie on a new install that won't connect...

> > > Now, in your recommendation user must wipe the disk and start over
> > > from scratch.
> > 
> > Huh?  I don't follow your logic here...  I only asked that msec not
> > blindly lower established security -- please elaborate... 
> If the msec tool can't lower established security, then the user has no
> way to move from level 4 of the matrix to level 3 except by starting
> over. Msec can't distinguish between changes you made and changes it
> made until the Unix file and permissions system is very different than
> it is today (think HFS forks). So if you don't permit msec to make
> things more permissive, you can't choose to fix overly restrictive
> mistakes in a sweeping, matrix-thinking compliant way. You can certainly
> go through the whole system manually tweaking things, but in the
> instance of /proc restrictions, resource restrictions and kernel
> capabilities that manual tweaking is beyond the average administrator
> and more time-consuming than a re-install.

Again...  spreadsheet:  all, column, row, cell...
> > 
> > > In msec's current implementation, user simply alters the security
> > > level to 3 and the system heals itself (in theory).
> > 
> > But not in practice...  it makes the system more vulnerable than what
> > *I* decided on...  I'm beginning to think that Mdk should make their
> > security tools optional until those tools have been confirmed NOT to
> > lower security if installed/used... or worse, cut off its raison
> > d'etre in msec >= 4...
> > 
> If you don't want it to do things for you, then you should remove it and
> take responsibility for configuring your own security policy. It's a
> tool for helping admins decide and implement policy -- you don't have to
> use their matrix, and it isn't going to complain if you replace all the
> perm.* files with your own idea of how things ought to be. I have other
> things to do, unfortunately, so I pick a level that seems to work okay,
> make a few tweaks, nmap and nessus it, then keep up with the patches.
> Obviously you do something of the same nature because you're on Mandrake
> instead of a DIY distro like Slackware or LFS, right? To call for
> removal of a tool because you don't like it seems a little extreme
> (though I'm sure I've been guilty of it too).

Correction...  *I* remove it...  I called for "optional" until it's made
smarter...  I don't recall calling for its removal...

> > I know this sounds a little 'off the wall'; but I still think msec is
> > ill-conceived...  my 8.1 page on msec showed that the core idea is a
> > matrix and the system's security relies on the matrix being completely
> > filled in (http://pfortin.com/Linux/permresults.shtml)  -- I don't see
> > how what I'm suggesting could be implemented in the current
> > incantation, beyond bad hacks...  time for a new tool...?
> > 
> I think that's being extreme, see above comments about editing the
> matrix. If you use the matrix-based tool, you've got to configure it
> properly. If you don't want it to increase permissions on something,
> you've got to tell it so through the only interface it's going to listen
> to -- rewriting it to never increase permissions will damage existing
> functionality without adding value (since the thing you want can be done
> on a specific basis with current tools by editing the matrix files).
> Obligatory note: this being open source, you can always create pfsec to
> act like you want it to: just be sure to clearly document that there is
> no going back after increasing the security level, or else you're going
> to have some unhappy users.

You're making assumptions...  'nuf said...  :)

Gotta go...  L8R...

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